Books for Sale


Under its ADHD Centre brand, ADDults with ADHD publishes a range of exclusive books that explore life with ADHD. These books will provide you with trusted information, tips and strategies about managing the impacts of the condition.

ADDults with ADHD compiles and edits these books so that the cost is kept low. The books are presented in an easy to read style.

Our books provide an important source of funds for the organisation as well as very good value for purchasers.

The books can be ordered and purchased online or you can download the order form, complete it and return it by email, fax or post to the ADHD Centre office.

Voices of Adults with ADHD

The latest book from ADDults with ADHD is called "Voices of Adults with ADHD".

"This is a book that will at times make you laugh, and at other times move you to tears. It represents the voices – often unheard – of people with ADHD and their families.

All parts of the ADHD journey are discussed, from first diagnosis, to educational challenges, to relationship issues, coping with addictions, and more. The book can be read in snippets or from beginning to end. However you choose to read it, I can guarantee that it will improve your understanding of ADHD."
Dr Caroline Stevenson,
B.Sc(Hons), M.Psych, PhD

Price: $25.00 + P&H

Adult ADHD: How to Beat it With or Without Medication

By Dr Caroline Stevenson

A complete guide for adults with ADHD, offering detailed methods and practical strategies for improving performance.


Price: $30.00 + P&H

Managing Anger: Strategies for dealing with Anger & Aggression

Produced by the management committee in conjunction with professionals in this field.  “It’s important to remember that the feelings themselves are not the problem, but finding an appropriate way to express them.”

Price: $25.00 + P&H


Relationships : Across the ADHD Divide (adults)

A collection of 50 articles, tips and checklists focusing on adult relationships, not only to give insight into the workings of the ADHD partner but hopefully to help the reader understand themselves just a little better.

Price: $25.00 + P&H

New Job = Fresh Start: ADHD/LD No Sweat!

Filled with a collection of tips for beginning the search for WORK or even changing jobs – practical hints and challenging checklists   

Price: $20.00 + P&H

Oppositional Defiant Disorder in the Spotlight

Very little is written on this condition which is devastating for many families.  Including articles from near and far to hopefully allow you to choose the diamond of help in this most difficult situation.

Price: $25.00 + P&H

ADD in Teenagers: A Guide to Survival & Success (teen)

Published in large print, ideal for overhead transparencies to back up in-service talks includes information on classroom strategies, effects on the family, associated problems. 

Price: $20.00 + P&H

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