Continuing the Research - What Happens to Attention in ADHD

Last Saturday 7th September Dr Alison (Sally) Poulton led one of the biggest, most exiting ADHD Awareness Afternoons we have ever run.

ADDults with ADHD is proud to have hosted this contribution to research into finding a better way to explain the experience of ADHD to others, finding an analogy or illustration that:
  • people with ADHD can relate to, and
  • people who don't have ADHD can better understand

If you didn't get a chance to attend the event or make your contribution, it is not too late.

Sally has written: "I'm very happy to get more information from more people answering the questions:

  • "What happens with your attention when you try to work, study or fill in a form?"
  • "Can you think of any device or picture that illustrates how your brain functions?"

You can email your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Dr Poulson plans to publish the results of assembling and analysing all the ideas generously provided. On Saturday she told all assembled that the next step might be to publish the illustrations that arise from the analysis and seek feedback on them.

ADDults with ADHD looks forward to supporting this next step in due course. Stay tuned. 



For people with ADHD, distractions can become debilitating and impact everyday tasks many consider straightforward. It is difficult to maintain attention. It's also really difficult to understand why .. and to explain ADHD's impact on us to others who aren’t affected by it. 

The next ADHD AWARENESS AFTERNOON seeks to address these challenges. It will be a unique opportunity to not only learn more about ADHD but also contribute to important ADHD research about how we best explain it to others!

Led by Dr ALISON POULTON from Sydney Medical School at the University of Sydney, we will explore how the ADHD mind works, what happens to our concentration minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour plus how this affects our daily functioning.

With limited Australian research into ADHD, this session is an exciting opportunity to be involved in the production of an analogy or illustration that

* people with ADHD can relate to, and

* people who don't have ADHD can better understand

A copy of the event flyer can be downloaded HERE. We encourage you to share with others! 

REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL, so confirm your attendance HERE.

EVENT DETAILS . “What happens to your attention in ADHD” - Special Awareness Afternoon. Where. St Barnabas Centre, 57-61 Mountain Street, Ultimo (near Broadway). When. Saturday 7 September 2019, from 2.00pm to .400pm. 

Dr Poulton has been working with children, adolescents, adults and families for more than 20 years. During this time she has developed an understanding about the types of difficulties experienced by people with ADHD on a day-to-day basis. 



When life feels like a struggle or things go wrong low mood can begin to take hold.  Ways that we recognise low mood include feeling down, flat or tearful. Being easily frustrated, feeling irritable, concentration problems, appetite or sleep problems are also signs of low mood. 

“People with ADHD feel everything more vividly. When it comes to passion, joy, and curiosity, this is a good thing. When it comes to rejection, overwhelm, and anger, powerful emotions can be debilitating.” says Dr Ed Halliwell M.D. psychiatrist and world-renowned ADHD authority  

 ADDults with ADHD’s next ADHD Awareness Afternoon on SATURDAY 1st JUNE features Dr AMANDA MULLIN, Clinical Psychologist and Director of Mindworx Psychology talking about “BEATING LOW MOOD WHEN YOU HAVE ADHD”. 

Register your seat now. Attendees will learn strategies to build resilience, and to recognise and manage their mood during tough times.

FULL DETAILS (download the flyer) here. Share it with others!

TO REGISTER  and reserve your spot go to:

After the seminar mix, chat & meet new people over tea & coffee. ADHD handout information WILL BE FREELY available. Good ADHD publications + resources will be on sale.

Donation on the day is appreciated, to cover venue and catering costs.


ADDults with ADHD is a not for profit charity dedicated to improving the lives of adults dealing with ADHD in themselves, their family, their friends and their clients.

For over 20 years it has run quarterly ADHD Awareness Afternoons, on practical topics, led by great speakers and giving you the chance to meet and chat with others who live with ADHD, their family or friends. 

ADHD & SLEEP: ADHD Awareness Afternoon On Soon

ADHD is linked with a variety of sleep problems. The ADHD brain has trouble regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin, which helps regulate your sleep cycle.

On Saturday 2nd March ADDults with ADHD is running the next of its popular ADHD AWARENESS AFTERNOON series about "ADHD and SLEEP".

Research  confirms that ADHD does not go away at night. It can cause restless nights. Even worse a long-term lack of sleep can affect your stress levels, frustration tolerance, ability to regulate emotions, focus and appetite.

If you or someone you care for wants to learn more about ADHD's impact on sleep, hurry, register and reserve your seat.

Don't miss guest speaker Dr Keith Johnson, Neuropsychiatrist who will be talking  about "all things sleep" - such as how lack of sleep affects adults and kids, the latest research, strategies and tips for improving your sleep and for waking up healthier.

FULL DETAILS (download the flyer) here. Share it with others!

TO REGISTER  and reserve your spot go to:

After the seminar mix, chat & meet new people over tea & coffee. ADHD handout information WILL BE FREELY available. Good ADHD publications + resources will be on sale.

$5 minimum donation on the day is appreciated, to cover venue/food costs.


ADDults with ADHD is a not for profit charity dedicated to improving the lives of adults dealing with ADHD in themselves, their family, their friends and their clients.

For over 20 years it has run quarterly ADHD Awareness Afternoons, on practical topics, led by great speakers and giving you the chance to meet and chat with others who live with ADHD, their family or friends

Get Prepared: Strategies for a Stimulating Christmas!

Christmas time can be exciting and enjoyable as well as overwhelming and frustrating for people with ADHD. The holidays hit just about every ADHD stress point: remembering dates, organising presents, getting to gatherings on time, keeping up with family news, mixing with in-laws and managing your symptoms to name a few!

On Saturday, 8 December, our last Awareness Afternoon for 2018 gives you an opportunity to get prepared. Everyone is invited to enjoy an afternoon of strategies that will lead to a Christmas you won’t forget.

Attendees will hear popular Australian ADHD expert Dr Caroline Stevenson discuss ADHD strengths/weaknesses and how we can use the strengths to make Christmas stimulating and how to make the weaknesses invisible.

The event is being held at St Barnabas Centre, 57-61 Mountain St, Ultimo near Broadway in Sydney starting at 2.00pm. A small $5 donation is appreciated on the day to help cover running costs. After the event attendees can enjoy some Christmas fare including tea/coffee and the chance to meet and mix with others.

If you would like to attend REGISTER at before the date to help us with catering.

Additional information