Health Canada : "The benefits of medication outweigh the risks"

Health Canada, according to a recent article by The Star, has issued “stronger, clearer” warnings about the suicide risks linked to a wider range of ADHD medication. This was motivated by the regulator’s reviewing of reports, filed to the Canadian federal government by doctors, nurses, patients and drug companies, which outlined the suspected side-effects of the medication. These involved, “thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and in a very small number of cases, completed suicide”, which showed up during different stages of the treatment, particularly at the start, during dose changes, or when drug treatment was stopped.


World ADHD Congress Bid

Murdoch Childrens Research Institute in Melbourne, has put in a bid for the 2019 World Congress on ADHD to be held in Australia, with Melbourne the host city.

The 5th World congress in Glasgow is in May this year, when the bid will be announced.

Both ADDults with ADHD and ADHD Australia wrote letters in support of the bid.

This year the World Congress on ADHD is being held in Glasgow, Scotland from May 28 - 31, 2015.

ADHD and Driving Study Needs Participants

Participation in this study will contribute to the evidence regarding ways for improving the driving skills of young drivers with ADHD. To date recruitment has been disappointingly slow in Victoria. However whilst the study is based in Melbourne it is funded to collect data from interstate as well.


Apps for ADHD Minds

An interesting article from ADDitude Mag: Use the power of these smartphone apps to manage ADHD symptoms ranging from distractibility and disorganization to poor sleep and overflowing creativity. More Focus, Less Distraction


Best Wishes for the Holiday Season

To all our members, supporters, clients and visitors we extend our best wishes for the holiday season. Thank you for your support.

In 2015 our organisation will be marking 20 years of providing support to the ADHD community.

The program in 2015 will include our popular events like the quarterly ADHD Awareness Afternoons in March, June, September and December and the Annual Conference in October. There will be more details published as soon as they are available.

The office of ADDults with ADHD will be closed from 19 December 2014 until 7 January 2015.

During January 2015 there will be a limited service available from our volunteer team. Emails and phone messages will be checked each week and responded to as soon as possible. Please allow a little longer than usual for a reply.

The office will be back to normal operations after Australia Day.


Additional information